How to Use Physical Therapy to Recover From Sports Injuries

How to Use Physical Therapy to Recover From Sports Injuries

Physical therapy and
medicine go hand in hand. Techniques from physical therapy can help you recover from new and old sports injuries alike. Finding a trained therapist may be easiest if you can locate a sports clinic where physical therapy is performed. Follow these steps to find out how to use physical therapy to recover from sports injuries that cause lower back pain, neck sprain as well as sore shoulders, ankle and knees.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Learn How Sports Injuries Can Benefit from Physical Therapy


Understand that injuries need rehabilitative exercise to promote strength and muscle development.


Participate in sports therapy to prevent future injuries if you have an active lifestyle.


Take the time to let your muscles recover from injury by using appropriate rest as directed by your therapist.

Discover Hidden Benefits of Physical Therapy


Improve performance by following the direction of a sports therapist who can help you improve cardiovascular endurance.


Feel the benefits of improved circulation and muscle lengthening as a result of stretching exercises. Exercise and education are often supplementary components of therapy programs.


Enroll in a 10-week program of high speed treadmill training therapy. While the price is expensive, it can help improve your speed and anaerobic endurance.


Discover more benefits by visiting the "American Physical Therapy Association" Web site (see Resources below).

Purchase Supplemental Equipment to Relieve Pain from Sports Injuries


Evaluate the use of custom orthotics if you have foot pain. It's an inexpensive way to relieve pressure on the ankle and foot.


Use an orthopaedic pillow to relieve neck and shoulder pain while you recover from injury.


Shop around for inversion tables. They adjust the center of gravity and help with spinal and back injury. Second hand sports stores may sell inversion tables at a lower price.


Buy a large sports ball to perform specific stretching techniques while providing gentle support to the back. Sports balls are inexpensive. They can be found at major sporting goods stores.

Tips & Warnings

Check with your primary care doctor for referral to a physical therapist. Some insurance policies will cover the associated costs. Otherwise, costs may be high.

Choose loose fitting clothing and drink plenty of water during treatment.

Do not attempt to treat serious medical injury with physical therapy, go to a hospital if you feel severe tightness in your muscles.

Use good judgment when beginning physical therapy, don't over exert yourself. Don't cause unnecessary strain to your injury.